Wellbeing Team: Social Prescribing

severn bridge

There are many contexts to ill health that modern medicine cannot touch. Life can be a struggle for all of us, for all sorts of reasons.

The Wellbeing Team offer patients aged 18+ the opportunity to talk things over.

With our team, you can explore a difficult situation that is affecting the way you feel. You can reconsider your choices.

We can listen. We can help you decide what you want to do. We can guide you towards any relevant personal and community resources. The NHS refers to this as 'social prescribing'.


Helen Todd, Augustina Hennessy, Tara Vignoles, Yvonne Lilley

Based at Tower House Medical Centre

Please call 01275 866700 (Reception) to be put through to the Wellbeing Team. 

Professionals can also email bnssg.tmgwellbeing@nhs.net.

Alternatively, click here for some links to local organisations.

The WHOLE of you matters.

This surgery is proud to be a part of the wider Nailsea, Backwell & Long Ashton community.

We can offer support as you find your own way to cope better with social, emotional and practical aspects of your life.


'It's this I needed, not just pills.'



Wellbeing Workshops

Free Wellbeing Workshops for Residents of Portishead

Over the next 18 months residents in Portishead will be able to attend a series of workshops to support their wellbeing needs.

The workshops, which are an initiative of the Portishead Wellbeing Partnership, have been organised to help educate and inform residents about topics that are relevant to the population and community, which should also help to relieve pressure on statutory services by directing people to alternative support. 

The workshops will last for around 90 minutes and will cover the following topics:

  • Managing Anxiety in children and young people
  • Developing a healthy relationship with food
  • Living with chronic pain
  • Diabetes management
  • Menopause
  • Dementia and falls prevention
  • End of life conversations

Please see the attached flyer for more information.

North Somerset Partnership Podcast: Episode 7 – Making Plans, for death and dying

In our series of North Somerset Partnership podcasts One Weston Locality Delivery Director David Moss sits down with some of the amazing, driven, and passionate people behind the voluntary, health and care services being delivered across the area.

In this episode, David visits Weston Hospice to talk with Jon Bailey, Director of Patient Services and Jennifer Wakefield, Family support team Manager. They discuss the services they provide for the local community including the vital role that their volunteers bring. 

You can listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or alternatively by clicking here

Better Health North Somerset (North Somerset Council)


Better Health North Somerset  (North Somerset Council)


Our Healthy Lifestyles Advisors provide FREE support and advice to help you achieve your health goals. Topics of support include: lose weight, get active, eat well or stop smoking.

Support is focussed on your individual needs and our Healthy Lifestyles Advisors will listen to any concerns you might have and won’t judge you, we are here to help!

You are able to access support for up to 12 weeks with weekly or fortnightly appointments, in 1-1s or groups; in-person, via MS teams or over the phone. We will also follow up with you at 26 weeks to see how you are doing.

You can request support directly by completing our Health MOT https://northsomerset.referral.org.uk/client/registration

For further topic support information:

Lose Weight support: https://www.betterhealthns.co.uk/tools/healthy-lifestyles-advisors-lw/

Get Active support: https://www.betterhealthns.co.uk/tools/healthy-lifestyles-advisors-ga/

Eat Well support: https://www.betterhealthns.co.uk/tools/healthy-lifestyles-advisors-ew/

Smoke Free support: https://www.betterhealthns.co.uk/stop-smoking/

Am I eligible for support?

To be eligible for support you must live in North Somerset and you must answer YES to one of the below requirements to be eligible:

  • I am in receipt of income support, income-based job seekers allowance, income-related employment and support allowance
  • I am unemployed
  • I am employed in a routine based occupation (e.g. routine sales and service, routine production, routine technical, routine operative, routine agricultural)
  • I have an annual family income (used to work out tax credits) of £15,276 or less and receive either child tax credit, working tax credit, working tax credit including a disability element
  • I am in receipt of universal credit
  • I am in receipt of pension credit guarantee credit or pension credit guarantee credit with saving credit
  • I have a disability or mental health condition that reduces my ability to carry out day to day activities
  • I have a valid HC2 certificate

AND meet our topic eligibility criteria:

Topic of support

Criteria to access support

Lose Weight

Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or above in Caucasian adults

BMI of 23 or above in adults of Black African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin 

BMI of 23 or above in adults with comorbidities

Get Active

Inactive, participating in less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week

Eat Well

Poor diet (scored against Eat Well guide recommendations)

Stop Smoking

Smoke’s tobacco 

For all topics

Being physically active / weight loss / dietary change / stop smoking is important to you (e.g. you would like to be more active / are committed to becoming more active)


Anyone not meeting the above resident and topic criteria are not eligible for support from a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor, but details of other lose weight, get active, eat well and stop smoking local support can be found on our www.betterhealthns.co.uk website. The website also includes information about drinking less alcohol, mental health and wellbeing, sexual health and family health matters including baby, toddler, pregnancy and breastfeeding support.  Content covers a wide range of topics for people of all ages. Each section has a mixture of information, support, latest news and stories from North Somerset residents who have made changes to live healthier lifestyles.

Contact the Healthy Lifestyles Advisor team

Email: healthylifestyles@n-somerset.gov.uk 

Telephone: 01934 427661

Website: www.betterhealthns.co.uk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BetterHealth_NS