Muscle and Bone Health

First Contact Physiotherapy at Tyntesfield Medical Group

We now have a great new service at TMG, where you can directly access assessment, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal issues through making an appointment with our First Contact Physiotherapists (“FCPs”).

This is a nationwide scheme that is being rolled out to improve the treatment pathway for patients presenting to their GP surgeries with new sprains, strains and pains related to muscles, nerves, bones and joints.

Simon Carley-Smith, Nefeli Tompra and Adrea Floyd are both experienced musculoskeletal specialists and you can book an appointment with them through contacting reception, just as you would your GP.

Their goal is to give you a thorough assessment and provide you with the most appropriate, evidenced based treatment options for your condition; from self-management and pain relief strategies to home exercises or appropriate investigations and onward surgical referral where required. If you have a condition requiring ongoing rehabilitation they will refer you into NHS physiotherapy whilst giving you the initial stage of your programme.

We see this as bringing great benefits to our patients, giving them access to the right person and the right musculoskeletal management advice first time.

health watch



This is a new App designed to help you manage your recovery day-by-day and keep you connected to your local health services

In tandom with this we have a new app you can use to aid your recovery from musculo-skeletal conditions.

Please click here to self refer. 

Select which condition you would like access to:

e.g. Lower back pain,  Back and leg pain,  Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Ankle Pain, Knee Pain, Soft Tissue Lower Limb pain.

We will then send you an email with all the information on how to get

The App is provided free as part of your care in BNSSG - Tyntesfield Medical Group

It will provide you with:
1. Easily accessible, targeted and personalised self-management information to help you day by day, and step by step
2. Exercises based on your stage of recovery
3. Direct booking of local treatments such as physiotherapy and well-being services within BNSSG - Tyntesfield Medical Group
4. Reassurance and support to self-manage